Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #02370

To: victor tee
From: Chiu-Yuan Fang
Date: Thu, 15 Apr 1999 15:14:51 -0700
Subject: [alt-beam] Re: please HELP....5 motor walker

victor tee wrote:
> Dear List;
> Sorry to butt in like this..since some discussion/debate is
> going on right now, but I have a few question to ask and need help.OK,

Don't be sorry. This current debate has been going on ever since I've been on
the list (which is a VERY long time) and will, no doubt, continue to rage on!

> here goes, firstly I got a problem of my Mcore resetting after I
> connect the driver/switching circuit...ok, i know some will say, it's
> the electrical noise prob again!BUT, I am using 2 power supply( 1
> supply is a REGULATED power supply for the mcore and the other is
> UNREGULATED for the driver circuit).Does this different power supply
> might cause the prob??Or izzit just the different voltage I am using
> for each power supply?(3V and 4.5v).

You say you've got a regulated and unregulated power supplies but are they still
originating from the same source? Are your drivers enables (assuming your using
74245's) tied properly? It's hard to say what the problem is for sure because
anything can causing it.

[Troubleshooting 101]
Try breaking it down into sections (assuming the cct isn't already soldered
1)Run your microcore from a 5V PS ie. a 9V battery through a 7805 reg. Does it
operate normally?
2)Attach the switching circuitry with LEDs on the outputs (a logic probe is
handy here). Does it operate as expected?
3)Omitting the Nu's, attach the drivers with a seperate 5V PS. What happens?
Can you pin point the problem?

Chiu-Yuan Fang

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