Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #02361

To: "BEAM Mailing List"
From: "Nicholas Smith"
Date: Thu, 15 Apr 1999 09:41:33 +0100
Subject: [alt-beam] Re: Photohopper

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>I've been thinking of a new project. I'd like to make a photopopper that
has wings that >flap to make short 'chicken type' flights. Basically enough
to get off the ground to aid >it's phototropism. You could even say it
would be a Photohopper.

>I'm having trouble visualising the mechanics for the wings. Any ideas?

Your wings will have to move qute fast for the little critter to get
anywhere so I think motors our out of the question (anyone disagree?) I
think your best bet it to make the wing pivot at the body and attatch a
magnet on the inside, then use one or two electromagents connected to a
Bi-Core this will make the wings move quite fast! I have used this before
for underwater "fins". It is quite hard to get what I'm saying so I enclose
a quick drawing...
Hope it helps.

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