Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #02304

To: Dennison, beam
From: Sean Rigter
Date: Tue, 13 Apr 1999 20:54:47 -0700
Subject: [alt-beam] Re: wind and other sources of power


As I said before "use only with adult supervision" (and a grain of salt)
when playing with micro waves.

I guess you never used a microwave to boil water cause boiling
water=steam and steam=power.

Actually a steam microcore is a real possibility, after all a steam
engine with all it's control loops is a kind of steam microcore. It's
just a matter of scale!

Speakin of steam, did anyone see the intro for the movie "Wild wild
west" with Will Smith as the gunslinging hero going after an evil alter
ego of MarkT (just kidding Mark) who terrorizes the good citizens with
large steam powered Spyders?



Dennison wrote:
> First, where does the power for the bot come from? The ligth goes off when
> you shut the door.
> You really can't put something like a photovore in a Microwave oven, even
> with a 'steam punk' fcore. You are guarentteed to cause big problems.
> Dennison
> >
> >Did my microwave oven RJP fall on deaf ears? The bot would just wander
> >around the oven mopping up spills and keeping the oven clean. You could
> >use a "steam punk" core as a special adaptation to absorb micro wave
> >energy.
> >
> >enjoy
> >
> >wilf
> >
> >
> >Mark Holden wrote:
> >
> >> As I understand it it's just that the power you can recive drops off
> >> extremly fast unless you are using a directional transmitter "microwave
> dish
> >> etc" made to transmit in a specific direction.
> >>
> >> So you could say it's just like running your BeamBot from a 25 watt light
> >> bulb. unless it's a spotlight you gotta be real close.

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