Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #02302

To: beam
From: Richard Piotter
Date: Tue, 13 Apr 1999 21:54:27 -0500
Subject: [alt-beam] Re: Spyder VII

I know that. I mentioned it was a _possible_ layout. I will most likely
stick with the current design. I was just coming up with otehr ideas.
The original idea was to use a head to "rotate" the signals to diferent
motors. It'd be able to walk in a "stair step" pattern to seek light.
Considering how NICE the body has turned out to be, I'm going to simply
install the motor drivers, battery, charger, and a header too. The
header will allow me to switch "brains". I'm going to try the step
motion 7 Nv brain and the standard 16 neuron brain with bias based
phototropism. Best to expiriment with as much as you can, huh! I know it
isn't as easy to bias, but I want to expiriment. I like the idea of a
robot that looks around and goes where it _looks_! Hehe! :)

Dennison wrote:
> I really don't think thats possible with your layout. (and for Wilf there,
> Spyders, aren't anything to be familiar with. Spyder is the name of one of
> Mark T's bots. It's claim to fame is that it uses eight motors. Take note,
> there's a reason why there aren't more of them.) I don't think you can make
> the bot turn by biasing the NV's in your simplified design. The motors are
> all to interconnected. You can't bias one, without biasing others. It's too
> intertwined. The reason why it's a fractal type arrangemenet, and the pulese
> all "fall of the ledge" is because the central uCore is the devices CPG
> (central pattern generator) it generats the patters to co-ordinate the four
> Sub-CpG's which generate the sequences needed to controll the specifi leg.
> Turning is a matter mostly of changing the Central CPG, and then tweaking
> differently with the Sub-CPG's independently. Here the motors respond most
> to a phase shift, not a pulse durration shift. Much like when you put a two
> motor walker in reverse. Things get switched. No Nv biasing will get that
> done. And likewise, to turn under the condensed version of the stratified
> system for Stryder, I don't think it's possible. The simplified version is
> simmilar in process-firing order only.
> Dennison
> >I just know the layout. I'm still expirimenting with the leg sequences.
> >I want to bias the Nvs to allow it to turn. Shoudn't be that dificult.
> >The mechanics of the leg I did assemble (waiting for parts for the other
> >three legs). The one works amazingly well! It's nice! I can't wait to
> finish!!!
> >
> >Wilf Rigter wrote:
> >>
> >> Nice work Richard, I like the network topology pictures. I don't know
> >> anything about spyders. What is the leg sequence and what are the time
> >> constants of the network?
> >>
> >> regards
> >>
> >> Wilf Rigter mailto:wilf.rigter@powertech.bcca
> >> tel: (604)590-7493
> >> fax: (604)590-3411
> >>
> >> > -----Original Message-----
> >> > From: Richard Piotter []
> >> > Sent: Tuesday, April 13, 1999 1:23 PM
> >> > To: beam
> >> > Subject: Spyder VII
> >> >
> >> > I have an interesting variation on the microcore and specificly, the
> >> > branching microcore of Tilden's own Microcore Spyder. I've taken the
> >> > original from 16 neurons to 7!!! I noticed many Nvs shared the same
> >> > pulse simultaneously, so I did some thinking and came up with the
> >> > following Nv layout. It looks interesting. Some familiar symetry that
> >> > I've seen in more advanced neural networks, but a very simple layout! I
> >> > have a small picture. If anyone has an opinion on the variation, it's
> >> > definitely welcome...
> >> > --
> >> >
> >> >
> >> > Richard Piotter
> >> >
> >> >
> >> > The Richfiles Robotics & TI web page:
> >> >
> >> >
> >> > For the BEAM Robotics list:
> >> > BEAM Robotics Tek FAQ
> >> > << File: Unknown
> >> > Document >>
> >
> >--
> >
> >
> >Richard Piotter
> >
> >
> >The Richfiles Robotics & TI web page:
> >
> >
> >For the BEAM Robotics list:
> >BEAM Robotics Tek FAQ
> >


Richard Piotter

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