Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #02282

To: Nigel Joyce
From: Senior
Date: Tue, 13 Apr 1999 13:22:32 -0600
Subject: [alt-beam] Re: component identifcation

> Nigel Joyce wrote:
> Hey everyone,
> I just got my first electronics catalogue from
> dick smith electronics, (our local electronics store, also stocks the
> cybug and higher function add-ons) and I cannot find the 1381's or the
> 3906's in it, the 3904's are there as well as a heap of other stuff
> but as I am new to this stuff, are there other names these components
> are known as?

Hmm, don't know about this. They probably don't carry the 1381 though,
you'll most likely have to get it from DigiKey.

> Also, I have sofar pulled apart 1 old computer, 1 old video player,
> about 20 old pagers (16 great motors) and a bunch of other old
> electronics that had been collecting dust under the house (I knew
> there was a reason I didn't chuck it all out). anyway, I have a bunch
> of IC's that are marked with 74****** something, something. I was
> wondering which ones of these are handy for BEAM?

These are useful:
74**14 - Microcore
74**245 - Microcore
74**00 - Suneater 2,3
74**02 - Suneater 3

** = hc, als, hct, etc.... Soem are better than others, check the
Info on the Suneaters series (They're great) can be found on Steven
Bolt's (He's cool) site:

It's on there somewhere....

> Also, I pulled apart a mouse that was stuffed, what do the led's in
> them detect, and emit? is it IR?

From what I know, yes.

> On another note, I am building my first photopopper in the case of 1
> of the pagers as a tribute to the source of these great motors. A
> calculator solar panel will fit perfectly where the LCD screen was. so
> the only visible parts will be the motor shafts and the holes where
> the eyes get the light. What sort of Voltage and Current can I expect
> from a calculator solar cell? I've read that a 1381 SE needs about
> 3v, is there a SE design that uses less?

I only use calcuslator cells cause that's all I can get. They're great,
usually put out about 2.8 volts. I use FLED SE's because they trigger at
around 2.1v, but aren't as effecient as the 1381's. You can get 1381's
that will trigger at 2.1v, so yes, you can use your cells with a 1381

"If you can..."

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