Alt-BEAM Archive
Message #02277
To: BEAM Mailing List
From: Nicholas Smith
Date: Tue, 13 Apr 1999 08:37:27 -0700
Subject: Re: wind and other sources of power
> >Build a full bridge rectifier using germanium diodes. connect one ~
> >to an antenna and the other ~ contact to ground or the frame of your
> >project. connect headphones or a capaciter to the + and - leads and you
> will
> >hear the strongest local AM radio station.
> So could I simply replace the solar panel in a solar engine with a four
> diode rectifier? Sounds to easy to me there has to be some kind of
> catch.....?
> Nik.
The only catch is the size of the antenna you need and the distance from the
radio transmitter. I don't know the actual formulas but if you know the
power of the transmitter, you can calculate the signal strength at any
distance and the size of the reciver antenna's resulting "wattage".
You might find information about this from various Tesla lists as they are
very interested in formulas to transmit power via radio waves.
As I understand it it's just that the power you can recive drops off
extremly fast unless you are using a directional transmitter "microwave dish
etc" made to transmit in a specific direction.
So you could say it's just like running your BeamBot from a 25 watt light
bulb. unless it's a spotlight you gotta be real close.
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