Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #02271

To: "BEAM Mail"
From: "Nigel Joyce"
Date: Tue, 13 Apr 1999 14:24:35 +1000
Subject: [alt-beam] component identifcation

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Hey everyone,
I just got my first electronics catalogue from dick smi=
th electronics, (our local electronics store, also stocks the cybug and hig=
her function add-ons) and I cannot find the 1381's or the 3906's in it, the=
3904's are there as well as a heap of other stuff but as I am new to this =
stuff, are there other names these components are known as? =

Also, I have sofar pulled apart 1 old computer, 1 old video player, about 2=
0 old pagers (16 great motors) and a bunch of other old electronics that ha=
d been collecting dust under the house (I knew there was a reason I didn't =
chuck it all out). anyway, I have a bunch of IC's that are marked with 74**=
**** something, something. I was wondering which ones of these are handy f=
or BEAM?

Also, I pulled apart a mouse that was stuffed, what do the led's in them de=
tect, and emit? is it IR? =

On another note, I am building my first photopopper in the case of 1 of the=
pagers as a tribute to the source of these great motors. A calculator so=
lar panel will fit perfectly where the LCD screen was. so the only visible =
parts will be the motor shafts and the holes where the eyes get the light. =
What sort of Voltage and Current can I expect from a calculator solar cell=
? I've read that a 1381 SE needs about 3v, is there a SE design that uses =

Thanks and =

Blue Skies

I didn't just kiss death, I slipped it the tongue! =

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of =

these are handy for BEAM?

Also, I pulled apart a mouse that was stuffed, what do =
the =

led's in them detect, and emit? is it IR?

On another note, I am building my first photopopper in =
the =

case of 1 of the pagers as a tribute to the source of these great =

motors.   A calculator solar panel will fit perfectly where the L=
CD =

screen was. so the only visible parts will be the motor shafts and the=

holes where the eyes get the light.  What sort of Voltage and Current =
can I =

expect from a calculator solar cell?  I've read that a 1381 SE ne=
eds =

about 3v, is there a SE design that uses less?


Thanks and

Blue Skies


I didn't just kiss death, I slipped it the tongue! =



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