Alt-BEAM Archive
Message #02263
Date: Mon, 12 Apr 1999 21:07:11 EDT
Subject: [alt-beam] Re: Beam genome
> By the way, when you do flame
> me and if you're a teenager, please be tactful. I'm a little weary of
> scolded by 15 year olds. I have children older than that and I would dress
> them down severely for treating adults in that way. And I bet so would
> parents.
I agree with you in one aspect, that the teenagers on this list should talk
in a manner appropriate to the purpose of the list and to the other people on
this list. This mailing list is about BEAM robotics, not "hangin' wit da
'bots". And many of the people on this list are serious experimenters and
other like-minded people (those including teenagers, I might add).
So, fellow teenage BEAMers, by all this I mean that typing in all caps and
using curse words to "support" your opinion and other such childish nonsense
is not called for. Nearly all of us don't need to be told that but Jim seems
to think so.
However, you wouldn't be saying that because I am a kid I cannot express my
ideas, even my conflicting ideas (gasp!), to you about your ideas, would you
I didn't think so.
That people are obliged to keep their thoughts to themselves because of their
age in this thought-provoking environment would be very sad. Good thing
nothing like that would ever happen here, eh? Lets keep it that way.
PS: I do realize that Jim most likely attached that little message towards
teenagers just to prevent emails like this: "YOUR -bleeping- WRONG! YOUR
STUPID YOU DUM MUDDER -bleeper-" however, because I find the likelihood of
such messages coming from this aduience to be very small, I wasn't sure what
he ment.
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