Alt-BEAM Archive
Message #02260
Date: Mon, 12 Apr 1999 20:43:05 EDT
Subject: [alt-beam] Re: Beam genome
Jeez Bob, you have a clear talent for hitting the nail on the head. I totally
agree. As for the BEAM CPU argument, I agree again. I recently saw a quote by
Tilden where he calls Robby the Robot a myth that will never be realized.
Since then we've seen the advent of the Honda Humanoid and the robotic fish.
The forthcoming robot kitten project shows great promise, and unless I read
the article wrong, the simulation prototype is to be adapted to hardwired
transistors formed onto one chip comprising millions of neurons. These
projects peak into a near future reality where Robby would be a common site.
Yes, they are super expensive. That is the cost of meaningful prototypes
today. We all know what mass production and public acceptance does to that.
How much did a Palm Pilot cost a few years ago? What about the steadily
dropping cost of satellite phones. They'll be giving them away soon. I think
BEAM can make many viable contributions to the field, but serious testing and
documentation is still lacking. And in truth, no matter how you build the
brain, you still need sound proven mechanics to interface with it.
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