Alt-BEAM Archive
Message #02240
To: "BEAM Mailing List"
From: "Nicholas Smith"
Date: Mon, 12 Apr 1999 09:43:30 +0100
Subject: [alt-beam] Re: wind and other sources of power (radio Waves)
Okay, before anyone mails me telling me that I don't know what I'm talking
about I would just like to stress that I DON'T! I know very little about
radio waves etc but this is just a crazy idea...
I build a lot of BEAM robots that operate underwater, not the light swimming
pool/bath type water but dark, misty pond water and it is very hard to make
a solar powered robot that can get enough light. Some of my designs have to
surface for light much like an anphibine (what the hell? sorry about the
spelling, you know frogs and stuff) has to surface for air. A better design
of my incude a main 'Surface Platform' floats on the water and feed power to
the robot via a 'Umbilical Cord' kind of wire. This has the problem of the
wire getting tangled in all sorts of weed and small water currents easly set
the robot off its path. "So what does this have to do with radio waves?"
you ask. Well, is there any way the surface platform can generate a kind of
focused radio wave that can then be converted to energy by my robot
underwater, erm, like a crystal radio does? Ideas?
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