Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #02227

To: (mailing list)
From: Benjamin Edward Hitchcock
Date: Mon, 12 Apr 1999 09:59:29 +1000 (EST)
Subject: [alt-beam] Getting weights off pager motors

What I do is grip the weight itself in a big pair of pliers. I then put a
bit of blu-tack over the weight. I also put a bit of blu-tack over the
other end of the motor.

I have a normal dressmakers pin that is cut in half, and I stick this
through the blu-tack into the slight hole on top of the weight where the
shaft ends. Then, I grab the nearest 4 pound ball pein hammer, and tap
the pin lightly. This pushes the shaft out of the weight, and the motor
falls to the floor. You are left with the weight still gripped firmly in
the pliers.

Now pick up the motor, and remove the blu-tack. There should be a little
white piece of plastic stuck to the blu-tack. Don't lose this.

Grab the motor shaft in the pliers, and push the little plastic washers in
to the motor bearing, so that when you wiggle the shaft in and out of the
motor, the shaft moves maybe 0.5 mm.

Now replace the little white plastic end thingy onto the end of the motor
that contains the brushes.

The whole procedure takes me about 30 seconds.


----- Forwarded message from Michael Ciftci -----

> Hey all of you BEAMers,
> Well frist of all, I have found that the absolute
> BEST way to get FREE
> pager motors is to go to a phone/pager shop and ask
> for all of their
> dead pagers. I have done it only twice but I have
> already gotten about
> 22 motors. Unfortunately I am having MAJOR
> problems getting that dumb
> weight off of the motor. I have gone to the BEAM
> ONLINE site and
> looked at the tutorial on how to get those weights
> off, BUT i cant seem
> to do it. It seems like they are part of the dang
> rod. I even managed
> to pull the WHOLE rod out of the motor with the
> weight attatched to it.
> SO PLEASE HELP ME find a way to get these daggome
> things off.
> Thanks,
> Michael Ciftci
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