Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #02201

Date: Sat, 10 Apr 1999 16:18:18 -0700
Subject: BEAM Genome

> I just had a thought about the idea that humans are the evolutionary
> mechanism behind robotic advancement. To tell the truth, I was skeptical
> first and considered the idea kind of silly. But I think I have changed my
> view. It occurred to me that if you removed all the photovores from the
> that were built using Paul Beckingham's miniaturization of the photopopper
> circuit nearly 98% would disappear. You could say they all contained the
> Beckingham genome. You can see the family resemblance in all the bots that
> use it. Try describing it to someone without those terms, "a photopopper
> the photodiodes glued to the 100k pot which is glued to a block comprised
> the 4 transistors and 2 triggers..." you see what I mean. How about the
> Shannon genome for bots with piggy back caps. The Miller genome for
> walker configurations? All, of course, would have the basic underlying
> genome necessary for existence. So, a free formed photovore based on a
> photopopper would be a Tilden, Hrynkiw (Smith), Beckingham, Chiu family
> genome. Any physical or electronic addition would add that persons name to
> the end of the family tree. In that example Mark and Dave are really a
> so may not need to be stated. My Wasp would be a Beckingham, Chiu, Mullins
> photopopper family line. Do you know how many paragraphs it would take to
> describe that configuration? Any new application for a Tilden, or other
> circuit, Would move the builders name closer to the original Tilden genome
> and branch from there. Some genomes could start from another source, if
> they had a suneater for a brain. I know I'm leaving out a lot of
> here and may have some names wrong, but you get the drift. What do you all
> think? Is this too complicated? Would it be accepted? I think it makes
> and gives the evolutionary argument much more weight. If someone told me
> were building a Beckingham, Chiu family photovore, I'd know what it looked
> like before I saw it. I know the family traits. Tell me what a Tilden,
> Miller, Zoz walker is? Probably a two motor with a Z-bridge motor driver
> right? A robotic pedigree! An international registry of robotic lineage!
> it's too hot down here to do anything else.
> Jim

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