Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #02198

Date: Sat, 10 Apr 1999 18:10:09 EDT
Subject: [alt-beam] BEAM Genome

I just had a thought about the idea that humans are the evolutionary
mechanism behind robotic advancement. To tell the truth, I was skeptical at
first and considered the idea kind of silly. But I think I have changed my
view. It occurred to me that if you removed all the photovores from the net
that were built using Paul Beckingham's miniaturization of the photopopper
circuit nearly 98% would disappear. You could say they all contained the
Beckingham genome. You can see the family resemblance in all the bots that
use it. Try describing it to someone without those terms, "a photopopper with
the photodiodes glued to the 100k pot which is glued to a block comprised of
the 4 transistors and 2 triggers..." you see what I mean. How about the
Shannon genome for bots with piggy back caps. The Miller genome for certain
walker configurations? All, of course, would have the basic underlying Tilden
genome necessary for existence. So, a free formed photovore based on a
photopopper would be a Tilden, Hrynkiw (Smith), Beckingham, Chiu family
genome. Any physical or electronic addition would add that persons name to
the end of the family tree. In that example Mark and Dave are really a given
so may not need to be stated. My Wasp would be a Beckingham, Chiu, Mullins
photopopper family line. Do you know how many paragraphs it would take to
describe that configuration? Any new application for a Tilden, or other
circuit, Would move the builders name closer to the original Tilden genome
and branch from there. Some genomes could start from another source, if say,
they had a suneater for a brain. I know I'm leaving out a lot of contributors
here and may have some names wrong, but you get the drift. What do you all
think? Is this too complicated? Would it be accepted? I think it makes sense
and gives the evolutionary argument much more weight. If someone told me they
were building a Beckingham, Chiu family photovore, I'd know what it looked
like before I saw it. I know the family traits. Tell me what a Tilden,
Miller, Zoz walker is? Probably a two motor with a Z-bridge motor driver
right? A robotic pedigree! An international registry of robotic lineage! Hey,
it's too hot down here to do anything else.

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