Alt-BEAM Archive
Message #02101
To: Richard Piotter
From: "George Rix"
Date: Wed, 07 Apr 1999 22:34:15 -0400
Subject: [alt-beam] Re: Soldering Troubles
> Well, there is a very simple way to keep wires from getting so hot. Use
> a heat sink. Anything from a pair of tweezers, to an authentic heatsink
> should help. I often use a tiny needle nose plier to hold wires. As for
> the soldering iron, a clean pointy tip is the big concern. Most people
> use a wet sponge to quickly wipe the tip with. I personaly prefer an
> aluminum can. I use a pop/soda/whetever the heck people call it can with
> the top opened up. I tap the excess solder off my tip into the container
> by lightly tapping the iron on the can. Don't tap the very tip itself,
> or the body of the iron, but the heavy metal attachment the tip screws
> into (Or use the base of the tip if it's the type that screws around the
> iron's end). This is just me I guess. Once the excess solder is off, it
> cleans on the sponge much easier. Also, don't push the iron. Pressure is
> bad. Use it like a pencil. Same amount of pressure as a pencil as well.
> Sometimes, especialy in hard to reach areas, you may want to pre tin the
> joints. Apply a TINY amount of solder to each connection, and allow it
> to flow evenly over the surface. don't hold a solder connection over 4
> seconds, unles it's a mechanical connection and it can't be done in less
> time. If the solder doesn't cooperate, reclean the joint, or apply new
> solder after allowing it to cool. Never overheat a joint. That is a VERY
> important consideration.
Thank you very much! I'll keep that in mind.
> Good luck.
Signing off,
Rob Rix
Newsflash! A scientific report has just come in from Montreal stating that
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