Alt-BEAM Archive
Message #02099
To: grant mckee
From: Chiu-Yuan Fang
Date: Wed, 07 Apr 1999 19:09:03 -0700
Subject: [alt-beam] Re: adapive walking thanks for the responses
I'm using the ADXL202 Accelerometer from Analog Devices in a current project.
It's cheap, has 2 axis on one chip, +/-2g perfect for tilt measurement and
operates on 2.7V-5V 0.5mA. It has analog outputs which can be BEAMized very
grant mckee wrote:
> wow wilf that was a really good? complex? lets say "full" response it
> explained alot and I thank you for your response I really appreciate
> it. The page that I was reffering too is at
. I must say that I am
> impressed with microcore walkers, my only other experience with
> walkers was with a gigantic six legged programmed walker that I took
> to India. I do have a quick question, what would be a good sensor to
> detect a tilt ( not just an on/off switch). This message just
> doesn't flow as well as the first one I wrote that got erased somehow
> in hotmail ( another microsoft product ): Too bad Dave W went to New
> Mexico I was going to go visit him, oh well. yeesh talk about broken
> ideas... amazing what nine hours of welding do to your brain. Thanks
> for all the responses.
> Grant
> "I need to come up with a good saying..."
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