Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #02089

To: "BEAM"
From: "Jarrell Clark"
Date: Wed, 7 Apr 1999 14:02:21 -0000
Subject: [alt-beam] Re: Beam Speach

> -----Original Message-----
> From: []On Behalf
> Of Keagan Schpfer
> Sent: Wednesday, April 07, 1999 6:38 PM
> To:
> Subject: Beam Speach
> Greetings (again)
> I have to do a speach for my drama group, and it has to be on what we
> enjoy the most. I chose BEAM. I was wondering if any of you had done a
> speach on BEAM and had any ideas for me.

Well BEAM really is still a research and hobby platform, allowing people of
all ages to enjoy(What's the youngest now? 12?) and experiment. Practical
invole UXO detection, behavioral studies, Hardware design and manipulation
etc. I don't get into all the philosophical points, I let people with free
time debate Alife, AI, and the likes. You coud go into the "4 broken
walkmans make a robot" or the sheer simplicity of the circuits the joys of
seeing your progeny move. Maybe not where you want but still move.

> Also, do you pronounce it(BEAM) as beam, as in the roof rafters, or do
> you spell it out like B-E-A-M?

The neat thing about english is you can spell one way but pronounce another.
You could pronounce your name "Xar-dil-lecto" but spell it Smith. don't
worry the consonents are all silent. But in the case is beam. like the
rafters or the laser

I find that one of the most handy, helpful, useful, beneficial,
advantageous, valuable items I have in my home is a thesaurus.

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