Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #02068

To: "Nigel Joyce",,
From: Sharon Williams
Date: Tue, 06 Apr 1999 19:26:42
Subject: [alt-beam] Re: re:solarbotics orders in australia

At 10:05 AM 4/7/99 +1000, Nigel Joyce wrote:
>I have been into BEAM for exactly 12 days and so far I have been told I am
>stupid, thanks david, that my ideas are too complicated, and that they
>won't work, so to you david, you can take your stupid default insult apology
>and shove it up your arse. I will build my robots without your help.
>Blue Skies

Wow, I think you are taking too much offence to this. It seems to me that
he was stating that it would seem stupid to pay alot more just to get it
there early, not that you are stupid for suggesting it. I do not think
that he meant to insult you in any way, he was just stating that he would
rather pay less and wait a bit longer than to pay more for speedy delivery.
also if you have been into beam only for 12 days, I am sure you will run
into problems, and soon be wishing you had some people like him to help.
But, if you really don't want our help feel free to try it on your own, I
know I wouldn't.

-Jeremy Williams

>> They are more expensive than solarbotics, how stupid, i'd rather wait
>> a week longer...
>> > What about ordering from
>> > it seems they have all the good stuff
>> >
>> > Blue Skies
>> > ---Buzz---
>> >
>> > Subject: Re: Solarbotics orders in Australia
>> >
>> >
>> > > > If you're ordering from Australia, take my advice and send the stuff
>> > > > airmail.
>> > > >
>> > > > I just got my solar cells from solarbotics, after almost two months!
>> > It's
>> > > > no fault of solarbotics' - of course they have no control over the
>> > it
>> > > > takes to ship items - but airmail is definitely the way to go.
>> > >
>> > > I live in New Zealand (that's south of Australia for the geologically
>> > > challenged) and my order, via surface, arrived in less than two weeks.
>> > > was very impressed :-)
>> > >
>> > > I guess it varies depending on how soon the ship in question leaves
>> > > the destination or something like that.
>> >
>> >
>> ____________________________________________
>> I'm sure David sinceraly apologises if he
>> insulted anyone, it won't happen again.
>> ____________________________________________
>> ____________________________________________
>> I'm sure David sinceraly apologises if he
>> insulted anyone, it won't happen again.
>> ____________________________________________

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