Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #02059

To: Pobzeb Armerding
From: Michael Morrison
Date: Tue, 06 Apr 1999 18:10:33 -0400
Subject: [alt-beam] Re: Small Pager Motors

I am thinking of buying some of these motors as well. I do not know if they
are trustworthy. The address is:


Pobzeb Armerding wrote:

> Hello. A while ago there was a post to this list about another source for
> small pager like motors. I followed the link and found them and I was
> thinking of ordering some. I forget who it was, but someone posted that
> they were going to buy some also, and they wanted to know if this was a
> trustworthy place to order from. Does anyone know what the answer to that
> question was? Also, I need the address to that site again. They were
> small, 3V pager like motors, at 3 for $10.00. If someone could send me any
> info, I would appreciate it.
> Zeb_Man

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