Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #02046

To: (mailing list)
From: Benjamin Edward Hitchcock
Date: Tue, 6 Apr 1999 09:00:18 +1000 (EST)
Subject: [alt-beam] Re: Motors/etc from disk drives

Apologies to those who get this message twice.
Damn UNIX!!

I made a hard disk stepper motor spin around by using a microcore with 1 k
series resistors on all the outputs. Just connect the wires from the
motor to the series resistors, and watch the shaft kick. Chances are,
you'll get it completely wrong the first time so the shaft will just
oscillate back and forth, but after a bit of experimentation I got my
6-wire stepper motor to step nicely around. I pinched a bit of tape onto
the shaft to see what was going on.

When I ripped a CD drive apart, I found the motor that drives the lens
assembly back and forth was pretty good - it has a worm gear on it. The
eject motor was useful too. But the one that spins the disk is just a
stepper motor, and not a very torquey one at that.


> i ripped 3 motors from cd drive, they were okay. The motor used to
> eject the tray is geared but is not built into the motor, it just
> has a belt drive running from the motor shaft to the eject mechanism.
> Overall nothing incredible.
> Does anyone know how to use those stepper motors used in 3 and 1/2
> inch floppy drives, i have 3 of them and i can't make them work, the
> ones that make the read/write head go back and forth.
> David Perry
> > Date: Fri, 02 Apr 1999 17:28:28 -0800
> > To: Beam Mailing List
> > From: Matt Procopation
> > Subject: Motors/etc from disk drives?
> > Reply-to: Matt Procopation
> >
> > Before I tear apart a couple of drives, I thought I'd
> > ask and find out if there are actually any useful bits inside.
> > I'm guessing theres some sort of geared motor inside the CD drive
> > to eject the tray, and another to spin the CD up to speed, but are either
> > useful for beam purposes? Any insights would be much
> > appreciated.
> >
> > --
> >
> > Madness takes its toll.
> > Please have exact change.
> >
> ____________________________________________
> I'm sure David sinceraly apologises if he
> insulted anyone, it won't happen again.
> ____________________________________________
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