Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #02035

From: Justin
Date: Mon, 05 Apr 1999 18:31:29 +1200
Subject: [alt-beam] Re: Socer bots/ Hive behaviour

> No way we as humans and other animals have to deal with just that Chaos
> on a daily basis and the bots should be allowed to be saturated in it to
> see what type of behaviour they will exhibit.

I don't disagree, but in this instance the chaos needs to be removed as
much as possible because the bots and the computer simulation have to
match as exactly as possible - if the simulation has to ray-trace
reflections off complex surfaces several thousand times for one "run",
the evolver program is going to take years to generate anything useful.
Furthermore, the more detail that is needed for the simulation, the
further off the mark the results are likely to be.

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