Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #02001

To: beam
From: James Anderson
Date: Sat, 03 Apr 1999 10:51:57 -1000
Subject: [alt-beam] SE problems

Hello list,

I tried breadboarding a Type-1 SE yesterday, but in didn't seem to trigger
properly. The voltage across the cap (and the FLED) climbed nicely to about
3.5V, but then just leveled out, and didn't activate the motor. The FLED's a
red one, from Radio Shack, and the back of the box said "V=3V", which I assume
is supposed to be the trigger point.

Although I checked to make sure it was the right way around, I did notice the
FLED flashing at one point. Is there anything else that would cause this?

The only other thing I can think of is my motor. I got it out of a quite old
answering machine, and it seems to work fine with a battery. The sicker on it
says it's from "Sanko Electric", and what looks like an ID number is
"MM5B60T24-7", if that helps at all.

Anyway, I really appreciate any diagnosis or suggestions.

Wondering Aimlessly,
James Anderson

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