Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #01993

From: "Chris Daniel"
Date: Fri, 02 Apr 1999 15:26:25 PST
Subject: [alt-beam] Re: Socer bots/ Hive behaviour

I think this is going to end up like that co-op experiment :-)
(but I hope not). Who said BEAM "can't do teamwork"? Why not?

BTW, How do you make the bot recognize the ball?
To recognize their goals you could have IR emitters of different
frequencies on each goal, and each team's bots are attracted to the
freq. like photovores are to light. When they are really recieving the
light (when they are close and facing the goal) they can have a
solenoid or motor to "kick" the ball.

Probably already thought of this but, oh well.

Are the bots supposed to be solar powered? I haven't really been
following this thread, but now I think it will be really cool.


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