Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #01938

From: Justin
Date: Wed, 31 Mar 1999 19:40:40 -0800
Subject: Re: The VoreBall

> > Please, any feedback would be greatly appreciated, even if it is
> > like "that is bloody impossible, wake up to yourself"
> I only skim-read your post, but it sounds like a great idea.
> The problem would be the large amount of circuitry needed (all those
> SE's and solenoids). I'd suggest that a much simpler way to build it
> would be a four or six sided version, which is then placed inside a
> transparent plastic sphere (with holes drilled for the solenoid shafts
> to poke out of).
> Thus you get perfect ease of rolling, much fewer components and
> construction required, and faster action as less power is needed by the
> solenoids to move a sphere than a twenty-sided solid, thus more frequent
> firing (or the same speed but with more grunt for an off-road version
> :-)

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