Alt-BEAM Archive
Message #01873
To: Nicholas Smith,
From: Dennison
Date: Mon, 29 Mar 1999 07:02:37 -0500
Subject: [alt-beam] Another Chalange. Soccer Bots?
Here's another chalange for those who are interested. Every year or so all
the big shot university's compete in a soccer bot competition. Basically
they have several very expensive robots with complex computters and
programming work as a team and play soccer. Does anyone thing we could do
the same thing? Sure there are some problems to be worked out, and it's not
an easy sounding task, but if it could be done, BEAM would get some nice
credit for doing it. Anyone interested?
>Hello All,
>I am in the process of building a quite complex aquavore and I am looking
>for a small water pump that can be powered from a bi-core like circuit. I
>thinking about using a water pump from a car windscreen-wiper washer
>modified to use a smaller motor but would be intrested if anyone has seen
>anythink like this but smaller?
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