Alt-BEAM Archive
Message #01830
To: "BEAM Mail"
From: "Nigel Joyce"
Date: Mon, 29 Mar 1999 10:54:21 +1000
Subject: [alt-beam] Designs
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Hey BEAMers
I am an Australian professional software developer and I looked up BEAM on =
the web for the first time last week. I don't have any background in elect=
ronics and I recon it would take too long to learn. (I'm a tad impatient) =
However I do have a couple of designs ideas that I think would be very succ=
essful, A. Are there any Australian BEAMers around? or B. anyone interest=
ed in developing my designs? Failing that I guess I will have to learn ele=
ctronics, develop my designs and kick all your butts at one of those BEAM c=
ompetitions. But I would much prefer for someone to help me.
Oh, BTW, I am 27, I live in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, I skydive eve=
ry weekend, about 150 jumps, I surf at the Gold Coast or up north if the we=
ather is too shitty to skydive, and every now and then I do some work.
Blue Skies
I didn't just kiss death, I slipped it the tongue! =
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ld =
Coast or up north if the weather is too shitty to skydive, and every now an=
d =
then I do some work.
Blue Skies
I didn't just kiss death, I slipped it the tongue! =
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