Alt-BEAM Archive
Message #01829
To: beam
Date: Sun, 28 Mar 1999 20:38:13 -0500 (EST)
Subject: [alt-beam] RC car BEAM bot. And Fastet (and smallest?) BEAM BOT CHALANGE.
Hey, I just wanted to mention how I've been working on a new Bicore based
bot which is built on a RC car. Basically the drive motor is Bicore
controlled and the Stearing mechanism (like a regular car's front wheels)
is also controlled by a bicore. Actully the fron rack and pinion (? is
that right) type steering is actually quite nice for a bicore. It's
basically just a bicore head. Works exactly the smae. The bot takes a
little more current than just a few caps can provide so it's batter
powered, and I may soon run it useing a CYBUG type set up. I'l thinking
about useing a *gasp* Basic stamp to run higher level functions, like
sleep mode, wake up, Various types of driving, power conservation ( May
have a large solar pannel to charge nicads) and other stuff. NOT that this
can't be done with bicores, Infact I can think of around FIVE way's to do
all this and keep it strickly beam. But you know what? I don't feel like
doing it that way. I'm just in a CPU mood.
But, I did want to bring up the possibility of a new type of BEAM
competition, somethign that would involve car like drive systems for BEAM
bots. You could test agility, cornering ability, speed, etc. And you could
pit some of the robots against one another. Hey, here's a chalange WHO CAN
BUILD THE FASTEST BEAM BOT? Dosen't have to be solar power, although I
suppose there should be fastest BEAM bot with and without batteries.
Anyone up for a challange? No prizes except braggin rights, and there
isn't any deadline. And even better, fastest, SMALLEST, beam bot.
Yeh, thats the stuff.
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