Alt-BEAM Archive
Message #01824
To: Richard Caudle;
From: Bruce Robinson
Date: Sun, 28 Mar 1999 12:52:34 -0800
Subject: Re: Personality
> Richard Caudle wrote:
> > What is going to be done with the "personality" posts? Are they going
> > to be assembled into a Rogues' Gallery or something of that sort?
> Hmm? Is this appropriate? Will's original posting was more along the
> lines of. "Let's introduce ourselves". No mention about hanging
> everyone's personal details out for the world to see.
> There are 400 people on the list, more or less. Only 27 have sent in
> bios in response to this suggestion. Could it be the remaining 93% held
> off because they were afraid this might happen? What does everyone else
> think?
> I've got enough disk space to keep the notes on my PC, for my eyes only.
> Regards,
> Bruce
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