Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #01818

From: "jason -"
Date: Sun, 28 Mar 1999 06:28:42 PST
Subject: [alt-beam] FLED misery

hie do u have any ideass how i could contact mR.scott martin the guy who
built komodo dragon...cause i want to ask him a lil bout his FLED
solarengines....the one he is using in the mosher bot and komodo dragon
is it a normal green LED or what...cause i went to an electronic store
and enquire for some FLED and the fella dont know what the heck i am
talking i hope maybe he or u could give me whats the
difference between a LED and a FLED and how do they look like...i heard
from someone in the list saying that they consist of one black thing i was searching for them in the electronic store the only
thing i could find with the small lil black chip inside is a transparent
case covered LED or FLED(i dont know) which emits a bright red
light...they have two flavors one emits green and the other
to explain a bit detail whats their differences for me cause i couldnt
find any 1381 here and how do a FLED look like so i could tell that
stupid guy from the shop what a FLED is...thanks ...thanks a lot

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