Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #01806

To: ""
From: zeroheroz
Date: Fri, 26 Mar 1999 22:02:04 -0800
Subject: [alt-beam] Personality

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My name is Darrell. I'm 39 years old. I have 4 children,
1 son and 3 daughters. I'm on my 19th year of honeymooning
with my wife Lora.

By day I'm a systems administrator for a nation wide ad.
agency. I played guitar for 23 years and in every type of
band, from bluegrass to Alternative but Blues has always
been my first love(musically speaking that is). A fight with
a limb saw kinda ended my mediocre career. LOL!

I've been involved with BEAM for about 3 months now and
have found it to be a very rewarding hobby.

I tend to be a nocturnal creature and enjoy listening to
Art Bell. Like many others who have posted I enjoy si-fi.
My political views lean toward libertarian.
Favorite quote "To the world you may be just one person, but
to one person you might be the world"

.................. ZeRo

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  My name is Darrell.  I'm 39 years old.  I have 4 children,
1 son and 3 daughters.  I'm on my 19th year of honeymooning with my
wife Lora.


   By day I'm a systems administrator for a nation wide ad.
agency.   I played guitar for 23 years and in every type of band,
from bluegrass to Alternative but Blues has always been my first love(musically
speaking that is). A fight with a limb saw kinda ended my mediocre career.


  I've been involved with BEAM for about 3 months now and have
found it to be a very rewarding hobby.

  I tend to be a nocturnal creature and enjoy listening to Art
Bell.  Like many others who have posted I enjoy si-fi.

  My political views lean toward libertarian.

Favorite quote "To the world you may be just one person, but
to one person you might be the world"

..................  ZeRo



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1807 Sat, 27 Mar 1999 04:39:09 -0800 [alt-beam] Beam Site "" Jesse's Beam Site and Zero'z beam site have Merged
together Come check it out @


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