Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #01785

From: "Jesse Merritt"
Date: Fri, 26 Mar 1999 16:54:49 -0500
Subject: [alt-beam] Re: Personality

Looks like everyone else is answering this thing so I guess I will too..

My name is Jesse Merritt (my friends call me Jes) and I live in the
Knoxville TN area. I just recently got into robotics in general and had the
pleasure of watching my first bot crawl around the house last weekend. I
have an Associates degree in Electronics (So I have a lot more to learn) and
am pursuing a bachelors degree right now. Oh yeah and I'm 26 yrs old, and I
DO have a girlfriend (she's great and puts up with my experiments into the
wee hours of the evening). I have been working in an electronics firm for
the past 6 yrs as an R&D tech.

Hobbies: robotics (beam and general robotics), firefighting (I'm a
volunteer), role-playing, computer's and various other techno geek things.

Everyone have a great weekend! I'm headed home to play with "Beaker" (my


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