Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #01775

From: Ian Bernstein
Date: Fri, 26 Mar 99 00:52:58 -0700
Subject: [alt-beam] Re: Personality

Ian (15), I live in NM, USA (out in the middle of nowhere)
Hobbies/sports: snowboarding, mountain bike racing (like Brian, mt biking
ROCKS! =), electronics, robotics, making money, anarchy (just kidding),
computers (3D modeling, web page, graphics, illustration, layout
design.....), TV....
Other stuff: I've been into BEAM for about 4 years and am a leading
member of the BEAM team that went to India for the BEAM games and now I
am team leader for "Team IDA" thats getting ready to go to Canada for
Anyway I'm sure you all know my web site address:

and the "about me" page is at:

I'll have an updated photo of me, my bike and my brand new
electronics/computer setup as soon as I get my digital camera in the next
week (for sure).

> I'm very interested what other people involved in beam are like? I think we
>should all send in little "bios" about ourselves, so we become more of a

Ian Bernstein "aka - Synet" The Master Builder

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