Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #01774

From: James Niemasik
Date: Thu, 25 Mar 1999 20:29:58 -0800
Subject: [alt-beam] Re: Personality

James Niemasik, 14 (15 in two weeks), I live in Menlo Park in the CA Bay Area. Besides
BEAM, I like other electronics projects, computers (most anything related) and
programming (Java mostly now, C++, Javascript, and HTML), physics, science,
engineering, building all sorts of things, etc. My favorite sport is tennis, and I also
love to ski (Jackson Hole's my favorite resort, especially with the house our friends
have there). Um, I'm a freshman, my best classes are math, physics, and spanish, I took
the AHSME and AIME this year but of course didn't make the USAMO (only people who have
taken these will know what I'm talking about). Lesse, I'm running out of stuff....
hmmm... oh, I'm 6'1" and blond.... well, I guess that's it. wrote:

> Hey, hows it goin?
> I'm very interested what other people involved in beam are like? I think we
> should all send in little "bios" about ourselves, so we become more of a
> community. I'll start:
> My name is Will Potish. I live in Minnesota. My hobbies/sports are:
> Beam(duh!), Basketball, soccer, Cross Country running, Tennis, Golf, water
> skiing, snow skiing, reading, music, and much more. Another big part of my
> life is my band. We are three strong so far, with Me(guitar,
> vocals)Alex(drums, vocals), and pat(keyboard as bass). We paly Marcy
> playground, nirvana, everclear, goldfinger, and some jazz. With all this, I
> still find some time for my website:
> ""


* James Niemasik
* James' BEAM Robotics Page:

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