Alt-BEAM Archive
Message #01770
To: BEAM List
From: dennison
Date: Wed, 24 Mar 1999 20:48:54 -0500
Subject: [alt-beam] BEAM BOOKLETs...illegal!
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Yep, I talked to Mark T via e-mail and found out that, even though the BEAM=
booklets were being offered at cost, they were still...Illegal! Yep, contr=
aband, black market merchandise. So, as I'm sure you will guess, There won'=
t be anymore, until one is specifically written. (Offers? a new Project for=
the summer? Collaberation?)
So the two of you who have one, savor it! Cau'se there won't be any more of=
On the positive hand, the Walker Parts Pack's are legal. Which is good. Mar=
k T suggested that if I got alot of orders or turned it into kit that I oug=
ht to sell it through solarbotics, which by the way, is the liscensed BEAM =
distributer. <<--Go to solarbotics!-->> However for now=
, I'm keeping them as part packs. I will make no reference to BEAM or anyth=
ing in them. Simply all the fine components. All the documentation is avaib=
ile on the web for free anyway. And we already know what happens when you p=
rint that stuff out. =
Oh well, lifes still good. No ones mad at me, and I'm not being sued. Hey, =
I really was stealing a market share for a minute there! (Kidding!) Anyway,=
happy BEAMING!
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However for =
now, =
I'm keeping them as part packs. I will make no reference to BEAM or anythin=
g in =
them. Simply all the fine components. All the documentation is avaibile on =
the =
web for free anyway. And we already know what happens when you print that s=
tuff =
Oh well, lifes still good. No ones mad =
at me, =
and I'm not being sued. Hey, I really was stealing a market share for a min=
ute =
there! (Kidding!) Anyway, happy BEAMING!
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