Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #01752

To: beam
From: Richard Piotter
Date: Thu, 25 Mar 1999 01:42:27 -0600
Subject: [alt-beam] Re: Ripple current and Goop problem

"Paul B. Webster VK2BZC" wrote:
> > PS I noticed that there is a tiny LED inside what looks like a
> > standard glass diode 'shell'. Was this used to load the cell when not
> > in use, or as a zener style voltage regulator? Can I buy these type of
> > LED? I have looked in all the catalogs I have, and to no success.
> You mean it actually glows? The closest would be a SMD type LED which
> are usually in a plastic encapsulation. Try Vorlac.
> If it doesn't glow and is in series with the solar cell, it is
> probably a Schottky rectifier to prevent the solar cell discharging the
> reservoir capacitor during momentary shading of the cell.

I've actualy seen these diodes. They look exactly like a miniature
silicon diode, much like the typical generic 1Nxxxx switching diodes
from Radio Shack, except they actualy glow!!! I have never seen this
type of diode in any catalog. Liek I said, standard glass cylinder,
orangish core, JUST like a silicon switching diode, but it glows red!
Anyone know more about these???

Richard Piotter

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