Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #01730

From: "John A. deVries II"
Date: Wed, 24 Mar 1999 16:05:57 -0700
Subject: [alt-beam] Yes, I know you are getting tired of "Links Section"

Steven Bolt wrote:

-> There could be a URL for a complete FAQ in html...
-> ...automatically posting just those URLs every week.

I've got another alternative, based on the law of the excluded middle. If
posting too often is bad and posting too rarely is bad (at least, a message
just for the purpose of telling newbies and others where Good Information
Is) perhaps the posting could depend on particular authors instead.
Obviously, this would take the enthusiasm of those authors because they'd
have to alter their signature to include the category of FAQ & the URL. On
the other hand, that might be only a one line addition to their signature
(see below). The different top authors might pick one of the different FAQ
categories and add only that info to their signature. As of today, the top
authors are:

Steven Bolt (114)
dennison (85)
Richard Piotter
George Rix (70)
Justin (62)
Ian Bernstein
Chiu-Yuan Fang (58) (54)

Wilf Rigter (43)
Chris Daniel (41)

(If these seem mangled, it is because alters addresses
to prevent their use for spamming.)

Even if the specific categories never get their own sites, at least the
most "useful" sites could be made available to newbies this way.
Something like:

-- cut
BEAM Robotics Tek -- If it doesn't have the answers, it will point the way
to the site that will:
-- cut

Authors that have "useful" sites would obviously still point to their own,
but also at least point to one other. I guess I ought to shut up about
this now, eh? Still, it is just a one-liner and is kind of unobtrusive.


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