Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #01726

From: Jean auBois
Date: Wed, 24 Mar 1999 14:02:59 -0700
Subject: [alt-beam] Re: Gears and such

At 12:15 PM 3/24/99 , James Wilson wrote:

>Today is wed 24 march if you figure it out in less than a
>week don't post your solution till next wed so others can exercise their

Even if what I mentioned worked (as a method to obtain higher voltage) it
isn't _my_ solution -- just the maunderings of a failing memory, a probable
misquote. There is still plenty of room for creativity. Besides which,
just because LEGO calls them "9v" motors, does their efficiency actually
peak there? For that matter, what is their minimum turn-on voltage/current
and how well do they work at that point? I believe one of the many LEGO
manuals that I have indicate that 9v was the _maximum_ you were ever
supposed to apply to these motors (but as I wrote above, don't trust MY


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