Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #01704

From: Jean auBois
Date: Tue, 23 Mar 1999 13:55:56 -0700
Subject: [alt-beam] Re: Links Section

At 01:12 PM 3/23/99 , Friedman wrote:
> This could be a great thing for newbies (like me) who want to find places
> pertian to BEAM and robotics in general.

Please forgive me for being somewhat skeptical of this approach.
Unfortunately, any method that requires the newbies to know where to go to
find out where to go doesn't work for obvious reasons. It is a question of
at-handedness. If a tool is available, at hand, it is useful to you right
then and there. If a tool isn't available, then it isn't useful to you.
The one and only place that a list of links has any chance of working well,
with regard to this emailing list, is to publish the list here. I will
admit that it is somewhat unfortunate that the list of possible links is
rather large -- if published too frequently, it would be much more annoying
than the newbies' questions. Contrariwise, if it is published too
infrequently it would be less annoying but just as useless as lists that
exist off in webland somewhere.

I'm stumped.

p.s. Yes, this isn't really on-topic but since there isn't a beam-d list
being supported parallel to beam there isn't anywhere else to go.

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