Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #01684

To: "BEAM"
From: "Zulu 35"
Date: Tue, 23 Mar 1999 14:03:47 +0800
Subject: [alt-beam] Emulating a solar cell

hi guys, i was just fooling around with my photopopper circuit just now
when it hit me that i can actually use a : 1)cap 2) voltage regulator
3)battery to emulate a solar cell and it does work!
now can someone tell me the pros n cons of this method versus the method
recommended in the suneater's webpage?

also.. i'm not sure about this.. but is it actually possible to replace the
1381s with a voltage regulator too?? from where i live, 1381's are as rare
as an UFO sighting.. *sigh* so if its possible, then maybe i can stop using
the FLED solarengines :)

okok finally... any ideas on how to couple the pager motor's shaft to a
gearbox? i ripped apart 2 toys for their gearboxes.. but now i have the
problem of fixing it to my motor.. u see... the gearbox's ex-shaft was way
larger then the motor's shaft... :(


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