Alt-BEAM Archive
Message #01661
From: Jonathan A Wolter
Date: Sun, 21 Mar 1999 15:48:07 -0500
Subject: [alt-beam] Re: walker process probs....
yes, i understand your situation, it happend to me a few months ago...
normal though, ... anyways,
1. do u have a PNC in your uCore?
2. Do u have a pnc that has a time constant too short? -- i tend to use
something like a 1meg resistor and 10 uF cap, that way its real long and
kills everything. then releases 1 pulse
3. yes that thing when both motors move at same time is the saturated
state, it does not seem useful really for a two motor walker, because one
leg pushes forward and the other pushes backwards,,, not very
productive.. so u need to use a pnc and then see if anything happens..
good luck
jonathan wolter
>Maybe you guys could help me out. I've breadboarded a 'miller-style
>walker', but am having some problems controlling the microcore. If
>disconnect the 74HC245 motor driver, I can get the microcore to
>produce the
>results I'm looking for. I can cycle through the processes properly,
>add or subtract processes from the loop, but as soon as I add the
>driver, it goes into its 'saturated' state. My walker does achieve
>motion, but it does it by rotating the front motor clockwise and the
>counter clockwise at the same time and visa versa. As I understand
>it, it
>should move the front motor clockwise, then the back counterclockwise,
>the front counter, with one motion coming after the other. Is this
>Should it be moving two motors at the same time???
>Any advice would be appreciated.
>Thanks boyz...
Jonathan Wolter
email.... ICQ: 27102252 talk to me!!!
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