Alt-BEAM Archive
Message #01660
Date: Sun, 21 Mar 1999 16:48:34 EST
Subject: [alt-beam] input and questions
I've been gone for a week, so maybe you guys were right about someone being
gone(screwing up the list). I had 200 messages! Which brings up another point-
half of them I just deleted half of them from the start (All the stuff for
sale, green thumbs, and those moon ones) I don't have a problem with them,
but if people are going to stop sending general robot info, then is there a
general robotics mailing list? Also- about the guy who sent in the email about
multiple responses for the same thing- I like that, because it is like a
conformation. You don't buy something after seeing it once- you check out your
sources and reviews(at least you should if it is expensive!). Now for my
1. Where is there info about aquabots?
2. I have an OWI MOVIT Spider walking kit from a long time ago- Could it be
used as a base for a beam walker?(2 motors, available at the robot store)
3. I'm going to Free form Chiu's Photopopper- What glue works best, does the
photopopper work well?
Thanks a lot,
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