Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #01651

To: BEAM List
From: dennison
Date: Fri, 19 Mar 1999 17:20:14 -0500
Subject: [alt-beam] Walker Part Packs!

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Remeber how I said I would be putting together and selling part packs so th=
at people could get all the parts they needed to build a walkers? Well I've=
finnaly gotten myself together and I will begin selling Walker Part Packs.

Basically a Walker Parts Pack included everything nessesary to build a comp=
lete and working Microcore Walker. =

This means you get:
The Gearmotors
The chips
The wire for legs
Prototyping Board*
Battery connecters
Solar Cells**
And more. =

Everything needed to build a complete walker! =

*This is included in the Beginners Part's pack. So that Even beginners =
can get an extra jump start. =

** Included in the solar Walker Parts pack, and Subject to the avalibli=
tly of Low Current, low volt, high effeciency Motors. =

Right now I have various 'options' to choose from. Also, I will customize a=
ny of these packs to your convenience.
Keep in mind that these are just packs of nessesary parts. These are not ki=
ts, If you walker a kits, I suggest buying from Solarbotics. www.solarbotic= These are just the parts nessesary to build a working robot. Informat=
ion to build these BEAM beasts is avalible on the Web, there is however som=
e basic information provided with the kits, and references to web reasource=
s provided. It's easyer for me to just sell packs of parts, it also simplif=
ies your search for 'the right parts'. =

*The "Welcome to BEAM" Walkers Parts Pack.$349

This pack is the most Basic, but is intended for people who have none of th=
e tools or anything needed to build a walker. This means that not only are =
the parts for a working robot provided, but also the tools nessesary to bui=
ld one. =

For example:
Solderless breadboard
PCB to match the Solderless breadboard
Soldering Iron
Getting started in Electronics book
digital Multimeter
Instructions and parts to build a simple logic tester
And all parts for a Two motor walker

Walker Parts Pack $145
This is the typical pack for anyone interested in just building a walker. I=
t includes everything needed to build a working two motor walker. Comes wit=
h Gearmotors, PCB, etc...

Solar Walker Parts Pack $Depends

This is basically the Walker Parts pack, but with all the peices nesseasry =
to make a SOLAR powered walker. =

The availiblity of this Part Pack depends on the Avaliblity of suitible gea=
rmotors. E-mail for more information. Imagine adding t=
his baby to your BEAM park!

Sensor Part Pack $25

This is a small collection of Springs, Piano wire, and more to help you bui=
ld senors for your robots. Works with any BEAM application. Includes genera=
l sensor constrution instrucions, and examples.

Custom Part Packs

Need something you can't find? Want a custom part pack? Perhaps you want to=
build a three motors walker? Or maybe five? Contact me at dennlill@buffnet=
.net for more information and a quote.

Omron Gearmotors:
I'm still selling my Omron GearMotors, e-mail me for a quote.


When ordering be sure to specify what type of gearmotors you want. Currentl=
y I serve traditional, (and reliable) Servo Motors. In addition however I a=
lso serve various other gearmotors as they become avalible. Currently I'm o=
ffering small Omron gearmotors, which have been fairly popular. Choose eith=
er a Servo or Omron motor, your choice. =

Before you send me a check E_MAIL ME FIRST!!! This is very important, I nee=
d to know what to expect, I don't want to come home and find a check for a =
large sum of money, and not know what I'm supposed to be doing with it. =

Also, don't send a money order without consuling me first. I've had some tr=
oubles with that. =

Send any Check to :

Dennison Bertram
384 Crescent Ave.
Buffalo NY, 14214

If there are any quesitons, or anything I left out, just E-mail me.


eGroup home:
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Solar Cells** NT>


And more.


Everything needed to build a complete walker! DIV>

    0>*This is =

included in the Beginners Part's pack. So that Even beginners can get an ex=
tra =

jump start. 

; ** =

Included in the solar Walker Parts pack, and Subject to the avaliblitly of =
Low =

Current, low volt, high effeciency Motors. 


Right now I have various 'options' to choose from. Also=
, I =

will customize any of these packs to your convenience.

Keep in mind that=
these are =

just packs of nessesary parts. These are not kits, If you walker a kits, I =

suggest buying from Solarbotics.
href=3D"">"> These are just =
the =

parts nessesary to build a working robot. Information to build these BEAM b=
easts =

is avalible on the Web, there is however some basic information provided wi=
th =

the kits, and references to web reasources provided. It's easyer for me to =
just =

sell packs of parts, it also simplifies your search for 'the right parts'. =


*The "Welcome to BEAM" Walkers Parts =



This pack is the most Basic, but is intended for people=
who =

have none of the tools or anything needed to build a walker. This means tha=
t not =

only are the parts for a working robot provided, but also the tools nessesa=
ry to =

build one.

For example:

Solderless breadboard

PCB to match the Solderless breadboard

Soldering Iron



Getting started in Electronics book

digital Multimeter

Instructions and parts to build a simple logic =


And all parts for=
a Two =

motor walker


Walker Parts Pack $145

This is the typical pack for anyone interested in just =

building a walker. It includes everything needed to build a working two mot=
or =

walker. C
omes with Gearmotors, PCB, etc... V>

Solar Walker Parts Pack $Depends=


This is basically the Walker Parts pack, but with all t=
he =

peices nesseasry to make a SOLAR powered walker.

The availiblity of this Part Pack depends on the Avalib=
lity of =

suitible gearmotors. E-mail
for more =

information. Imagine adding this baby to your BEAM park!


Sensor Part Pack $25


This is a small collection of Springs, Piano wire, and =
more to =

help you build senors for your robots. Works with any BEAM application. Inc=
ludes =

general sensor constrution instrucions, and examples.


Custom Part Packs


Need something you can't find? Want a custom part pack?=

Perhaps you want to build a three motors walker? Or maybe five? Contact me =
for more info=
rmation =

and a quote.



Omron =


I'm still selling=
my Omron =

GearMotors, e-mail me for a quote.




When ordering be sure to specify what type of gearmotor=
s you =

want. Currently I serve traditional, (and reliable) Servo Motors. In additi=
on =

however I also serve various other gearmotors as they become avalible. Curr=
ently =

I'm offering small Omron gearmotors, which have been fairly popular. Choose=

either a Servo or Omron motor, your choice.


Before you send me a check E_MAIL ME FIRST!!! This is v=
ery =

important, I need to know what to expect, I don't want to come home and fin=
d a =

check for a large sum of money, and not know what I'm supposed to be doing =
with =


Also, don't send a money order without consuling me fir=
st. =

I've had some troubles with that.


Send any Check to :


Dennison Bertram

384 Crescent Ave.

Buffalo NY, 14214


If there are any quesitons, or anything I left out, jus=
t =

E-mail me.



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