Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #01649

From: "Keagan Schpfer"
Date: Sat, 20 Mar 1999 09:37:44 PST
Subject: [alt-beam] Bi Core ??

OK, I have some questions about the bi-core circut.

1) Can I make a Bi-core phototropic? if so, how, Does any one have a
page on that? (I am using the Bi-core circut that fits on one chip,
somebody has a tutorial on : "How to free form the Bi-core")

2) How do I attach one suspended Bi-core to a nother. I want to make a
three motor walker, and was wondering if i could do it using the

3) What works better, A 4 nuron nervous net (like the circut on Fang's
site), or a Bi-core (like the one in the first question.)

4) Oh yeah, What is the difference between the nervous net on Fang's
site and a micro core???

I feel stuped asking all these questions, but then I am just a newbie.

THanks A ton

KEagan schopfer

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