Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #01634

To: "BEAM", "dennison"
From: "Dan Larson"
Date: Fri, 19 Mar 1999 14:52:13 -0600
Subject: [alt-beam] Re: enough with the mailing list content critiques.

I agree with you fully!

My observation is that the bandwidth wasted on objecting to a particular
topic of discussion often wastes even *more* bandwidth than the content
objected to.

If a person objects to off topic stuff, perhaps that person could do us all
a big favor and not double the wasted bandwidth by publicly objecting. I'm
all for private objections as a regulator of content, however no one else but
the original poster need recieve it! The rest of us *don't care*

Just my 0x02 worth...

On Fri, 19 Mar 1999 12:35:49 -0500, dennison wrote:

>Ok guy's, enough with the critiques about how stuff on the list isn't 'BEAM related'. People have to understand that just because people are posting irrelevent stuff, or vaguely relevent stuff doesn't do anything to the quality of the messages. It's not like the good messages are being squeezed out of the list because of other messages. If there's something that people want to talk about, they will talk about it.When there isn't much going on, it's not because people are assulted with irrelevent stuff, it's because they *don't have anything to say.* So when people do want to talk about somethign the conversation will naturally gravitate twards that. The list is self regulating. You know, lazzie fair, hands off, and all that good economics stuff. Unless someone posts 1 meg files or obscene material, there isn't any need for list control.
>oh and, the critiques about how messages are not beam related are kinda hypocritical. But I'm sure you knew that.

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