Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #01630

To: Matt Procopation, Beam Mailing List
From: dennison
Date: Fri, 19 Mar 1999 12:39:17 -0500
Subject: [alt-beam] Re: Resilience of solar cells?

In a reply to you subject heading, Solar Cell's have NO resilience. If you
break 'em, their broke. End of story. however they may be DURABLE. Which,
they kinda-are, kinda-aren't. The cells themselves are pretty strong. The
solder pads ARE NOT. Damn those things tear off easy. Just be carefull.


>I just received my first set of goodies from Solarbotics today, and I
>figured before I
>start mucking about I'd find out what sort of punishment these panasonic
>cells can take.
>Share some of your horror stories with me. Do they tend to
>crack/shatter/etc when dropped
>from table height? How scratched up do they have to be before you notice
>change in performance?
>I have numerous cats in my house (Not quite as many as those cat-ladies you
>read about
>with houses full of 300 cats, but slowly gettin there. Well, just 4, but
>they seem like more) and I
>I'm curious as to whether I should include some manner of structural
>protection around the
>cells on my bots.

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