Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #01608

From: Ian Bernstein
Date: Thu, 18 Mar 99 16:35:53 -0700
Subject: [alt-beam] Before you reply

Hi all,

Before you reply to an e-mail on the list check to make sure no one has
already replied. I mean somebody posts an e-mail to the list and it gets
2 or 3 replies saying exactly the same thing, just a waste of bandwidth.

Also lets keep the e-mails BEAM related. I know it's sometimes hard to
not e-mail the list with something you find really cool but is not BEAM
related. Although some might find it interesting the topic is BEAM
robotics and sending it is a waste of bandwidth.

Remember BEAM is....

Biology - It's fine to discuss insects, how they walk, how we can learn
from them to build our bots and that sort of thing.

Electronics - I think only stuff related to BEAM and stuff useful to bot
building (LED O-scope....) should be discussed. Not how to build PIC bots
and other projects not related to BEAM.

Aesthetics - Improving soldering skills and new cleaner methods of
construction fall in this category.

Mechanics - I can't think of anything that anyone has posted to the list
that has violated this category.

Whoever is the admin. of this list (Mark D.?) should send out a rules of
the list e-mail every month or so. I will put one together. Any ideas for

Just my $2 worth =)

Ian Bernstein "aka - Synet" The Master Builder

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- Noah

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