Alt-BEAM Archive
Message #01602
To: Ian Bernstein,
From: Noam Rudnick
Date: Thu, 18 Mar 1999 19:44:31 -0500
Subject: [alt-beam] Re: Before you reply
> Before you reply to an e-mail on the list check to make sure no one has
> already replied. I mean somebody posts an e-mail to the list and it gets
> 2 or 3 replies saying exactly the same thing, just a waste of bandwidth.
You also have to remember though, that there is a fairly significant time
lag between when a message to is sent, and when it is posted. This could
be the reason for many replies within a short period of time after a
message is posted.
> Remember BEAM is....
No offense, but who are you to decide what is 'beam' and what isn't?
Some of the stuff you state below is quite debatable (i.e. since when were
pic's ruled "not beam"?) I think these decisions should be left up to Mark
> Biology - It's fine to discuss insects, how they walk, how we can learn
> from them to build our bots and that sort of thing.
> Electronics - I think only stuff related to BEAM and stuff useful to bot
> building (LED O-scope....) should be discussed. Not how to build PIC bots
> and other projects not related to BEAM.
> Aesthetics - Improving soldering skills and new cleaner methods of
> construction fall in this category.
> Mechanics - I can't think of anything that anyone has posted to the list
> that has violated this category.
> Whoever is the admin. of this list (Mark D.?) should send out a rules of
> the list e-mail every month or so. I will put one together. Any ideas for
> rules?
> Just my $2 worth =)
> *-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-*
> Ian Bernstein "aka - Synet" The Master Builder
> E-Mail -
> BEAM Online -
> Quote - "Into everyone's life, a little rain must fall, but this
> is ridiculous."
> - Noah
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