Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #01595

To: "BEAM",
From: "Dan Larson"
Date: Thu, 18 Mar 1999 15:46:09 -0600
Subject: [alt-beam] Re: pager motors

Don't remove them!

Just mount one on the base from one of the player pieces of an electric football
game. Attach SE and voila!, new form of BEAm locomotion. ** this is not much different
from the "inertia drive" previously discussed at *way* excessive length .

I just mention this because I wonder if someone has tried it. I'd try it if
I could find one of those football player pieces. I got the idea once while my
experimental SE lay in the window attached to a pager motor with the weight
still on. It just made a loud buzzing sound every few seconds rattling against
the window sill. Directing the force of the vibration sounds like an interesting
experiment. Ever seen a vibrating pager scoot off a table and drop to the floor
when it went off while not being worn?

Seriously, I take my weights off by *very carefully* prying them off with a
fork while being careful to evenly distribute the force applied so as not to bend
the shaft. It helps to leave it in the freezer for a while because metal
contracts when it cools. The shaft might contract just a little more than
the weight to make it less tight.

Some people try to punch it out by clamping the weight in a vise
and letting the motor hang free. They then use a small needle or paper clip
as a punch to push the shaft from the weight. the motor drops to the floor when free
without bending the shaft or pulling it out of the motor.


On Thu, 18 Mar 1999 16:22:34 +0000, wrote:

>Can anyone give me a suggestion for removing the weights from pager

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