Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #01589

From: Jean auBois
Date: Wed, 17 Mar 1999 23:33:55 -0700
Subject: [alt-beam] Re: LANL...

I hope this isn't misconstrued as a flame but you've got to understand that
although these events are coincidental they aren't necessarily related...
I sure hope that there isn't some really paranoid person who thinks that
not only have we lost important BEAM information to the Chinese but that
our government is actively involved in a conspiracy against the free
dissemination of this same information to the Free World .

At 6:04 PM -0700 3/17/99, wrote:
:Greetings List,
:Now the US is going nuts trying to protect the information
:in it's national labs (including LANL).

Sorry, but that isn't the reason why firewalls have been set up at LANL.
The case in issue involved a human being taking information entrusted to
them and giving it to someone else. If you don't know the concept of
"sneakernet" then you don't know that it is substantially easier to carry
several gigabyte portable hard disks in and out of somewhere a lot easier
and a whole lot more effectively (bandwidth-wise) than trying to send it
over the net. The firewalls are there because the people at LANL are
tired of hackers screwing around with the mail- and web-servers. A
completely different issue, which happens to also involve a completely
different class of information than that having to do with the spy.

The process was started a Long Time Ago.

It is no more reason than big corporations have for doing the same thing.
I mean, hey, firewalls are such a popular topic that most bookstores I've
been to lately have sizable sections on the topic and I've got to presume
that the entire world isn't having problems with espionage...

This change is as much of a pain in the something-or-other for us as it is
for you -- f'r'instance I had to write a formal letter to management today
asking for help 'cuz the change has broken my web apps unexpectedly.

:Would the workshop be affected by this?

(a) Would someone knowledgeable please reassure me that there will be a

Hrynkiw obviously would be excellent. Likewise Mark.

(b) Has anyone written to Tilden (best but who knows if he's on travel) or
asking about this? It isn't as if you can't send email in, y'know.

I'd do it, but I don't expect to be a participant.

(c) Just the same, I'll ask my management to allow me to use the machine
my division has specifically reserved for open access to provide
any information about the workshop on a web page.

Even if they don't, if someone of us gets the information and has it put
on either Chiu's or Ian's or whoever's site or even the Yahoo BEAM
robotics club page it will surely be read by nearly everyone interested
and find its way to every BEAM website in the universe.

(d) There is a possibility that Mark and whoever has already solved this
entire thing and all that needs be done is the distribution of a
different URL.

That would certainly be convenient, wouldn't it?


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