Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #01506

To: "Feser, Jason"
From: Steven Bolt
Date: Sat, 13 Mar 1999 08:15:26 +0100 (CET)
Subject: [alt-beam] Re: RJP lighting.

On Fri, 12 Mar 1999, Feser, Jason wrote:

> I've had success under flourescent lights by using a combination of both red
> and blue (hot & cold) tubes. This is a combo I used in hydroponic cloning
> and is the closest thing to natural light that a flourescent setup can crank
> out. A good ratio is 2 red to 1 blue. My bots move around pretty well
> under this light,

The Panasonic Sunceram panels are sensitive to light with a
wavelength between about 850nm and 550nm. They do their best work
at the longer wavelength, which is actually in the infrared part of
the spectrum (the sensitivity of our eyes is centered around 555nm,
and drops away at 400nm and 700nm).
An ordinary incandescent bulb peaks at about 950nm, while a cool
white fluorescent does its work in a peaky area between 300nm and
700nm. Which means that an ordinary incandescent looks pretty tasty
to our photovores. But a warmish fluorescent mixture can also be
nice, as you found out.

Here are some colors and their wavelengths in nm:

Violet 380 - 420
blue 420 - 490
green 490 - 560
yellow 560 - 590
orange 590 - 610
red 610 - 780

Btw, my photovores get only daylight. If I want to use mains power,
I give the `bot a nicad or NiMH rechargeable - more efficient.



# # Steven Bolt # popular science monthly KIJK #

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