Alt-BEAM Archive

Message #01505

From: "grant mckee"
Date: Fri, 12 Mar 1999 22:03:52 PST
Subject: [alt-beam] Beam sumo?

So far all of the sumo's I have seen are powered by the basic stamp
would it be so hard to produce a none pic sumo?

anyway here is my idea,

there are two things that a sumo bot must do to stay competative.

keep moving but stay in the ring.

ok to do that all you *really* need is one ground sensor to detect the
edge of the ring. At my school we have had alot of problems with
sensors trying to tweak them so that they work or just trying to get
through all of the wiring to get the sumo to move. I have seen a sumo
with no visual sensors push out a fully operational sumo with forward
sensors, mainly because it had better grip and torque. so if there
could be a non stamp powered sumo that just detects the edge of the ring
and backs up it doesn't really need to "see" the other sumo to push it
out. If the sumo has alot of power and good traction it stands a good
chance at winning.

now making it solar powered is a whole nother matter...


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